
Drinking Water Right After You Wake Up – See What Happens When You Do It!

Drinking water in the morning is a usual ritual of most Japanese women. And every time you think about females from Japan the image that appears in your mind is a petite svelte woman, right? This is not unusual because women from Japan with weight problems are rare indeed. In the last few decades, through listening and reading about the Japanese culture, we have come to the conclusion that Japanese people have a different type of diet in many regards. Notably, they also have a different lifestyle and daily routine when compared with the greater part of the Western civilization, where people are constantly dealing with weight problems. Perhaps this is due to the fact that humans seem to have lost their ‘thirst sensation’ and the critical perception of the need to drink more water. So, the body’s biological thirst signals can be mistaken for signs and symptoms of other illnesses. Most often the root cause of this misperception is –  dehydration.  We can avoid costly and...

Inside the Valley of the Kings, the tomb of a pharaonic stunning 3 thousand years after creation

These full color images are taken from the interior of the tomb of Egyptian pharaoh Ramesses IV, who was crowned in 1156 BC, but could only reigned for 6 years. And today, 3000 years after it was created, the tomb located in the Valley of the Kings, in Thebes, Egypt, retains surprisingly his exceptional beauty. Ramesses IV ascended the throne after the departure of Ramesses III, but being that it was a very difficult economic period, although his tomb is very large, it is considered relatively simple in design and decoration. Andrey Nekrasov photos from Ukraine, after much effort managed to obtain a license from the Egyptian government to fix these views which are truly amazing. "Inside it was very nice, not enough to explain in words.  The biggest mystery is how could people 3 thousand years ago to create something so extraordinary, "said Nekrasov. Source: (

[HEAVEN SENT] Luke Aikins jump 25 000 feets (7620m - 7.62km height) without parachute HD VIDEO AMAZING


Honey and Lemon Tea

I have a cold. At first I thought the sneezing was due to allergies, but then it didn’t go away and I felt rotten, which is what happens when one has a cold. Achooo!! When I get a cold, I try to remember the laundry list of things that make it all better. Drink lots of water. Check. Take zinc and vitamin C. Check. Take omega 3 fish oil (helps boost immune system). Check. Take elderberry syrup (it’s antiviral). Check. Keep warm. Check. Another thing on the list that is especially comforting when one has a cold is a hot cup of honey and lemon tea. Well, strictly speaking, there’s no “tea” in the tea. It’s just honey, lemon juice, and hot water. But it’s so good, especially if you have a cough or congestion. The lemon juice helps cut through congestion and the honey soothes the throat.  You can also add fresh ginger to your honey and lemon tea. Sometimes I’ll just have the hot water over ginger. That’s good too. But usually, it’s just honey and lemon.  ...

How To Purify Your Lungs In 72 Hours

Some people have lung problems even though they have never light a cigarette in their life, while other have been smoking for 40 years and their lungs work perfectly fine. All this depends on the person’s organism. In addition, we will present to you some advices on how to cleanse your lungs in three days. Before you start the detoxification process you need to “throw away” all dairy products because your body needs to get rid of diary products’ toxins. The first day of the regime, drink a cup of herb tea before bedtime. It releases toxins in the intestine that can cause constipation. The lungs must not be overloaded with difficult work of any other part of the body during the purification. Squeeze 2 lemons in 300 ml of water before breakfast. Drink 300 ml of grapefruit juice. If you do not like the taste, you can always replace it with pineapple juice. These juices contain natural antioxidants that improve breathing systems. Drink 300 ml of carrot juice between breakfast...

Mix Honey And Aspirin And Keep On The Face For 10 Minutes: After 3 Hours Look At Yourself In The Mirror Miracle

If you have troubles with your skin, we will offer you a home remedy that will make your skin healthy, shiny and beautiful. You can test this mask first on the inside of your upper arm. If there is no side effect during the day, it is safe to apply the mask on your face. Needed ingredients: 1-2 aspirin tablets A little bit of water 1 teaspoon of honey How to prepare this mask? Crush the aspirin tablets and place the powder in a bowl. Then add a few drops of water and mix it. Next, add a teaspoon of honey and mix well the ingredients. Clean your face and then apply the mask. Let the mask sit for 10 minutes. Rub it a little and wash off. When you start with the treatment, use it 2-3 times a week, but later start using it only once a week. The incredible results will be visible after 10 days: your skin will be restored. Your pores will be cleansed and inflammation will disappear. Additionally, the effect of the aspirin mask cannot be noticed immediately, but af...