
Showing posts from July, 2016

Honey and Lemon Tea

I have a cold. At first I thought the sneezing was due to allergies, but then it didn’t go away and I felt rotten, which is what happens when one has a cold. Achooo!! When I get a cold, I try to remember the laundry list of things that make it all better. Drink lots of water. Check. Take zinc and vitamin C. Check. Take omega 3 fish oil (helps boost immune system). Check. Take elderberry syrup (it’s antiviral). Check. Keep warm. Check. Another thing on the list that is especially comforting when one has a cold is a hot cup of honey and lemon tea. Well, strictly speaking, there’s no “tea” in the tea. It’s just honey, lemon juice, and hot water. But it’s so good, especially if you have a cough or congestion. The lemon juice helps cut through congestion and the honey soothes the throat.  You can also add fresh ginger to your honey and lemon tea. Sometimes I’ll just have the hot water over ginger. That’s good too. But usually, it’s just honey and lemon.  ...

How To Purify Your Lungs In 72 Hours

Some people have lung problems even though they have never light a cigarette in their life, while other have been smoking for 40 years and their lungs work perfectly fine. All this depends on the person’s organism. In addition, we will present to you some advices on how to cleanse your lungs in three days. Before you start the detoxification process you need to “throw away” all dairy products because your body needs to get rid of diary products’ toxins. The first day of the regime, drink a cup of herb tea before bedtime. It releases toxins in the intestine that can cause constipation. The lungs must not be overloaded with difficult work of any other part of the body during the purification. Squeeze 2 lemons in 300 ml of water before breakfast. Drink 300 ml of grapefruit juice. If you do not like the taste, you can always replace it with pineapple juice. These juices contain natural antioxidants that improve breathing systems. Drink 300 ml of carrot juice between breakfast...

Mix Honey And Aspirin And Keep On The Face For 10 Minutes: After 3 Hours Look At Yourself In The Mirror Miracle

If you have troubles with your skin, we will offer you a home remedy that will make your skin healthy, shiny and beautiful. You can test this mask first on the inside of your upper arm. If there is no side effect during the day, it is safe to apply the mask on your face. Needed ingredients: 1-2 aspirin tablets A little bit of water 1 teaspoon of honey How to prepare this mask? Crush the aspirin tablets and place the powder in a bowl. Then add a few drops of water and mix it. Next, add a teaspoon of honey and mix well the ingredients. Clean your face and then apply the mask. Let the mask sit for 10 minutes. Rub it a little and wash off. When you start with the treatment, use it 2-3 times a week, but later start using it only once a week. The incredible results will be visible after 10 days: your skin will be restored. Your pores will be cleansed and inflammation will disappear. Additionally, the effect of the aspirin mask cannot be noticed immediately, but af...

Home Remedy for Black Spots on Face (Video)


Why hurt your mother’s feet

Often we asked why our mothers legs hurt you not find Never reply to the source of the pain. God has placed the baby in the womb of a woman in a very salty liquid in order to increase the body, to facilitate Pasha and at the same time come to food without fatigue nëpëermjet cord connected to the mother, that I It offers him the food that I need. If the mother does not properly feeding her baby, the child will not miss anything because the glands fail to dissolve teeth and bone mother to replace the missing food. Therefore, with the increase in age, the mother of aching teeth, knees and feet. This makes for a lot of people say that the old woman before her husband. Had to have assumed the man that has melted his mother’s bone to live, I would not know how to better reward him.

6-ingredient Lemon-Ginger Liver Detox Juice to Stop Your Body From Storing Toxins in Fat

The condition of your liver is extremely vital to your overall state of health. It is therefore very important that you detoxify it from time to time in order to protect it as well as your general health. A lack of regular exercise, excessive alcohol drinking, smoking and a large consumption of processed and refined food go a long way to adversely affecting your liver function by making it to accumulate toxins in fat. You can prevent this from happening when you detoxify your liver using a 6-ingredient lemon-ginger drink. Here’s what you need: Ingredients Organic lemon (peeled) — 1/2 Organic Kale Leaves — 6 Organic Red Apples (washed & chopped) — 2 Organic Beets (washed & peeled) — 1 Ginger root — 1/2 inch Organic Carrots (washed & peeled) — 3 Preparation Note: it takes only 8 minutes to prepare this drink and these ingredients are sufficient for between 2 to 4 servings. Incorporate all the ingredients in a blender or a juicer and blend wi...


The health benefits of bananas are undeniable. But, it’s not only the flesh that can boost your health. The peel can do wonders too. Although we normally throw banana peels in the garbage as soon as we finish eating the fruit, this appears to be completely wrong. For instance, people in India eat the peel as well because it’s abundant in vitamins and minerals too. Read on and find out how you can make the most of your banana including the peel. Whiten your teeth To whiten your teeth simply rub them with the inner part of the peel on a regular daily basis for two weeks. You’ll be able to see positive results after a few treatments. Remove warts Banana peels can effectively eliminate warts on your skin. Apply a piece of banana peel on the affected skin and secure with a band-aid. Leave overnight. Repeat until the wart falls off. Treat acne and wrinkles If you have sensitive and wrinkle-prone skin, banana peels are just the thing for you. They pack a lot of antioxidant...

If You Eat 2 Bananas Per Day For A Month, This Is What Happens To Your Body

Bananas are often called the complete food but most of the time they are so much underrated. It is easy not to take note of this yellow-skinned fruit because every now and then there’s some exotic fruit that is promoted as the next big health revolution. The truth is that bananas are delicious super foods that provide your body with all the nutrients required for thriving. They have almost all kinds of nutrients, vitamins, natural sugars (fructose and sucrose), and fibers. The adage for apple also applies to bananas too – “a banana day can keep the doctor away.” Do you know that banana is the No.1 consumed food among Americans? More bananas are consumed in the U.S. every year than apples and oranges combined. So many people have a routine of buying a bunch of these fruits and eating them through the week. Initially, they will be greenish yellow in color and don’t have any spots. But with time they keep getting more and riper, and have brown spots. These spots become increasingly b...


Four years ago a young man discovered that he was suffering from diabetes and hypertension by accident. He had been feeling thirsty all the time and decided to see a doctor for a routine check-up. His blood test results left him dumb-founded. His blood sugar was soaring at 29; his pancreas was dysfunctional and he was left with no other option but to start insulin therapy. Although he was taking his therapy regularly and was physically active, his condition didn’t improve. In fact, it was only getting worse. His blood pressure was very high (150/100), and his triglyceride levels reached 16. Worst of all, the amount of medications he had to take daily was enormous. Then on New Year’s Eve, 2013, while watching a TV show called “ The Edge of Science , ” which hosted Dr. John Zirdum, who had been living on raw foods for 12 years, he decides to change his life completely. He decided to fight his condition by turning to a raw diet. The first thing he made was buy a blender. Although t...


Your overall health largely depends on your eating habits and the lifestyle you have. A lot of nutritionists stress that the first thing you consume is the most important. And, there’s no doubt warm water with lemon is one of the best options to start your day with. Read on and find out why. Drinking warm water enriched with an unpeeled lemon provides a myriad of nutrients. Not many people know that lemon rind actually packs more vitamins and minerals than the pulp. Boiling unpeeled lemons in water rather than squeezing the juice only will provide all the nutrients you can reap from this amazing citrus fruit. The long list of benefits you get from this health-boosting mix includes: Improved immune system function Protection against colds Increased energy levels Improved digestion and metabolism Elimination of body toxins Internal pH balance Better skin quality Fresh breath Healthy weight loss Improved mood Prevention of depression Lymph system hydration Fast healing The preparatio...

Scientists Are Warning People That This Type Of Milk Is Linked To Causing Cancer. I Had No Idea.

Do you remember those old “Milk. It does a body good” commercials and advertisements that used to be everywhere in the 80s? Back then milk was milk, it came from a cow and even if you hated it your mother forced you to choke a glass of it down. These days milk is anything but straightforward and there are many different types beyond the traditional cow or goat’s milk on the market. People now have almond, hemp, rice, coconut, and soy milk varieties to choose from. Each has their own benefits and drawbacks, whether it’s the taste, price point, or the health benefits they provide. However, none has been more controversial than soy milk. Soy milk is the number one most consumed type of soy-based food. Many lactose intolerant people use it as a milk substitute, vegans like it because they don’t want to drink milk produced by an animal, and some like it because it’s low in fat. While there are undoubtedly some nutritional benefits to soy milk, the negatives outweigh the positives. Be...